The New Year is coming up which means I’m ushering in some more changes for this website.

First off, I’ve made the Patreon announcement a bit more “public” by releasing a little video on YouTube.

Secondly, I’ll be updating this site very soon with a new look and perhaps some crucial rearrangements to make navigating it a little bit simpler.

You’ll also notice that my Twitch stream has had a new look for a while, and I plan to carry that look over to my website and YouTube channel. The new video stills will feature that awesome pixel face and have a swanky new look. Have an example image below:

There will be new content going up every week on the Monday, so get excited for that. I’ll be releasing my original MIDI songs using the soundset they were intended for, that being the GS synth, so no more muddying the original compositions instrumentations/mixes with third-party soundfonts.

So don’t delay, check out the musical goings-on I have on YouTube today!