Doom is 20

The best computer game of all time turned two decades old today. Yep. The big two oh. Doom is still played and modded by a large, still-thriving community, and it is still as fun as it was when it was uploaded to the university of Wisconsin’s FTP server and...

The Adventures of Square DEMO RELEASED

Hey everyone, Jimmy here. I’m not dead. As you may or may not be aware, for at least two years now, I’ve been working on and off on a silly little game project called The Adventures of Square, a first person shooter/platformer using an advanced version of...

Epic MIDI time: “The Godhood Suite”

So this is something that I’ve been working on since October last year. Like many of my projects, I took a lot of breaks from it, so it’s hard to determine exactly how long I spent on this, overall. However, it is without question my most intense and...