Contact Me


Sometimes it takes me a while to get videos together, but this is where a lot of my music is. If you want to send me a personal message, I would prefer if you used the comment section on one of my videos, since I don’t regularly check the messages received on my channel itself.


I occasionally use Twitter to keep my followers (of which I have an unexpectedly high number) up to speed with what I do mainly in the world of Doom modding. I check this daily so if you send me a message, chances are I’ll see it.


I check Facebook daily so if you send me a message through my page, chances are I’ll see it.

Doomworld Forums

I’m active on Doomworld forums, feel free to send me a message there!

ZDoom Forums

I’m active on ZDoom forums, feel free to send me a message there!

Email Me

I check my e-mails every day, more than once, so your best bet to reach me formally is to send me one. Simply fill out the below form to get in touch.