I have surpassed 550 MIDI files in my master playlist. That’s a lot of music. I can’t even begin to fathom how many notes that is.

I passed over 500 about a year or so ago, and probably should’ve made mention of it here, but oh well.

If you don’t know already, you can find my entire MIDI catalogue right here on this site, along with a ZIP file containing everything, and an M3U playlist you can use to listen to my MIDI music remotely.

Major new additions to the master directory/playlist include new folders for the Eviternity and Mayhem 18 Doom community projects (both In-Progress as of this writing) that I’ve been composing for lately. There are also a few more SpeedMIDIs that I’ve written for the productive Phoenix Speedmusic community sessions hosted on Doomworld. Finally, there are more tracks now listed under Commissions (many of which commissioned by Joe Greiser – thanks, mate!).

Previous visitors to this site will notice that the MIDI page has had its unfeasibly large list linking to every individual MIDI removed. It just became unwieldy to manage and I’m instead periodically updating the MIDI directory, ZIP file and playlist with new music as I finish writing it.

Don’t forget that a lot of my music is also on BandCamp available for purchase as MP3 renders. You can add these audio files to your listening device of choice and listen to my music on the go!

I need to see about updating my YouTube because I’ve written a lot of very satisfying music lately that should probably see publication there. I also have a new video editor (the incredible and free HitFilm Express, if you’re interested) that I’ve been meaning to use to that end. Stay tuned.